CONFERENCE: 50 Years of Dependency and Development: Global Perspectives

Cover of the First edition of Dependencia y Desarrollo, published in 1969

Cover of the First edition of Dependencia y Desarrollo, published in 1969

International conference co-hosted by the Latin American Centre, the East Asia Programme, OSGA, and the Global History of Capitalism Project, History Faculty

All welcome.



9.00-10.30 Intellectual precedents

Dependency and Development: Biography of a Book - Margarita Fajardo, Sarah Lawrence College, USA

Economic Doctrines in Latin America Now and Then - Valpy Fitzgerald, Oxford, QEH


11.00-12.30  Impact of the book – within and outside Latin America

Dependency Theory Reassesed: A Hirschmanian Perspective - Andrés Guiot Isaac, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA), Oxford

The Reception of ‘Dependency and Development ’ in West German Debates on Third World - Clara Inés Ruvituso, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany

The Reception of Dependency Theory in the USSR - Alessandro Iandolo, DPIR and St Catherine’s College, Oxford


14.00 – 16.15 Dependency Theory, Capitalism and Globalization

Dependency and the American Exception: Re-examining the TransAtlantic Relationship Before the US Civil War - Andrew Edwards, History Faculty/ Global History of Capitalism Project, Oxford

Ever the Deputy: Pakistan as a Dependent Economy 1947-2019 - Matthew McCartney, OSGA/South Asian Studies, Oxford

Dependency, Capitalism and International relations - Andrew Hurrell, Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford

Beyond Dependency Theory - Laurence Whitehead, Nuffield College, Oxford


fernando henrique cardoso

Fernando Henrique Cardoso, co-author of Dependencia y Desarrollo, and former President of Brazil.

17.00 Keynote Speaker – OSGA Global Forum Inaugural Lecture: 

Fernando Henrique Cardoso

Former President of Brazil, and co-author of Dependency and Development. 

Introduction by the University Chancellor, Lord Patten